• Fountainhead Montessori
       Academy of Education

      The perfect choice for your starting career in education

      Earn your American Montessori Society Credential, recognized in the world! Enroll international students! Get your California EC teacher units fast! Earn your California State University units for a BA degree and MA degrees from other universities!

    • AMS  Credential 

      MACTE Accredited AMS Affiliated Early Childhood Teacher Training Program

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      CA EC Teacher  

      Earn your 12 units for your California Early Childhood Teacher 

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      Prof. Development 

      Professional Development for EC and I&T teacher refreshment

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      International F-1

      SEIVS approved school, issue I-20 for F-1 VISA for international students

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    • Take a closer look at the FMAE:

      The Tangible Rewards of Teaching Real Montessori

      In a Montessori setting, the rewards of seeing how students develop – as a direct result of teacher guidance – can be very exciting.

      The Montessori Method is a child-centered educational approach to education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, and the only child development theory that has a curriculum.>>Read More

      The Montessori Teaching Credential
      American Montessori Society (AMS) Early Childhood Credentials obtained at FMAE are certified by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE). College credits are issued by the Cal State system. >>Read More


      The FMAE program admits students with a minimum of a high school diploma, or a GED, as candidates for certification. There is no pre-admissions test or evaluation, but upon registration for each class, you must complete an enrollment agreement. If you have other college accredited Early Childhood Education units and you are looking to transfer to FMAE please contact us. We are happy to review your transcripts. >>Read More

      Teacher Training, FMAE Mission
      The mission of Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education is to provide a training course to those interested in pursuing an American Montessori Society (AMS) Early Childhood Credential, as well as those seeking a greater understanding of the Montessori philosophy.>>Read More
      Courses & Supervised Field Experience
      Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education offers weekend and intensive courses in Montessori philosophy and curriculum in a classroom setting, as well as supervised field experience for student teachers in an approved practicum site.  >>Read More
      Other Credentials & Certificates

      Want to earn your 12 Early Childhood Education units to work in a preschool? Want to learn more about being an Assistant Teacher? FMAE can assist you. >>Read More

    • Authentic, Hands-On, Accredited

      The Fountainhead Montessori Adult Education (FMAE) program was conceived by Sarah Zimmerman, who, after over 20 years of experience with Montessori, saw the need for an accessible, affordable training course. FMAE has been in continuous operation since 1986.

      Sarah, the founder of the nonprofit Fountainhead Montessori School in Northern California, wants to be able to reach out to those who are interested in Montessori training and/or a credential, but who have neither the time nor finances required to partake in a full-time course, which is why FMAE allows students to take one or two classes per quarter while working.

      Sarah Zimmerman is now an Instructor Emeritus at FMAE.

    • Please select and pay for your courses below based on the Category

Available courses

Art Music Movement-R

Please ignore all the quiz, assignment and album requirements in this course. 

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watched all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can by marked as DONE. 

If you would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

From AMS:

AMS Credential Holders:

If your AMS credential was issued on or after July 1, 2013, you must complete 50 hours of continuing professional development every 5 years for the credential to remain active. The first 5-year period begins with the date your credential was issued.

Once you have completed your 50 hours of PD, AMS requires that you log your hours on our Professional Development Submission Form.

If you do not complete the hours within the 5-year period, your credential will become inactive and—until you meet the requirement—your AMS credential will be suspended.

AMS Professional Development Requirements (amshq.org)

To complete your 50 hours of PD, 

please complete all 5 refresh courses below. Each course has 10 hours credit. You will automatically receive your PD certificate in your email.

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watch all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can be marked as DONE. 

If you don't have an AMS teacher credential yet, 

and would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

Art, Music & Movement

3 units, 35 hours Art will introduce the student to art history, art appreciation and the art media. Exploration and creation of art activities will be included. The Music Workshop will include singing, rhythmic & instrumental skills, movement and body awareness. The Movement Workshop will cover Movement, body awareness, non-competitive games, as well as, loco-motor, stationary & game skills.

Child Development

3 units, 35 hours This course is designed for students to study the growth and development of children from the prenatal stage through adolescence. For each stage of development attention to both typical as well as atypical development in each area is discussed. Included are the influences of culture, family, and the environment. The material in this course is designed as a foundation for teaching, nursing, early childhood education, and parenting.

Manager: test1 stone
Teacher: FMAE Admin

ECE Administration

3 units, 35 hours Students are introduced to the administration of preschool programs. The course covers program types, budget, management, regulations, laws, development, and implementation of policies and procedures. The course examines administrative tools, philosophies, and techniques needed to organize, open and operate an early care and education program. Students are required to observe licensed programs and interview administrators.

Teacher: FMAE Admin

English Proficiency Test

For all FMAE students, please take this test once you are admitted. You will be able to download your certificate once you complete this test.


For international F-1 students, if you have already taken TOEFL or IELTS test, you don't need to take this test. and you should bring the certificate with you to the VISA interview. 


3 units, 35 hours This class will give the Montessori philosophy and rationale of the language curriculum. Included will be an overview of receptive and expressive language experiences, visual and auditory perceptual experiences and vocabulary development and enrichment. The basic language materials, such as Sandpaper letters, Movable alphabet and Metal insets, as well as penmanship, writing, reading, grammar and children’s literature, drama will be covered.


3 units, 35 hours This class will provide the Montessori philosophy and rationale for arithmetic in the early childhood curriculum. Materials covered will include those aiding the development of these concepts and skills: (1) Introduction to numeration; (2) The decimal system, and the functions of the decimal system; (3) Linear and skip counting; (4) Operations and memorization of facts; (5) Fractions and Math applications.

Montessori Philosophy

3 units, 35 hours This class will provide an in-depth look at Dr. Maria Montessori’s life and work including an overview of the Montessori Movement. Philosophy methods include the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, logical-mathematical mind, spiritual and moral development of the child, cosmic wonder, and explorations. Other topics will include preparation of the teacher, setting up an environment, observation, discipline vs. discipleship, and parent education.

Natural Science and Social Study

3 units, 35 hours This class will cover Montessori rational and philosophy for Physical and Life Science (21 hours) and Social Studies (14 hours) in the early childhood. The Physical and Life Science include: Botany, Zoology, Earth Science and Physical Science. Social Studies includes Geography and History.

Practical Life

3 units, 35 hours This class will give detailed examples and activities for the Montessori philosophy and rationale of Practical Life. Topic and activities include ground rules; grace and courtesy; control of movement; developing the hand; care of self; care of environment; food preparation and nutrition as related to the goals of order, concentration, co-ordination and independence.

Practicum I

AMS credential 2nd-year internship

Students need to complete the FMAE Academic core courses before starting Practicum I and II.

Practicum (Internship) school for students’ practicum/internship, should be an AMS-approved school.

Application forms are needed before starting. You may find them in Session 1–> assignment 1
download the forms, complete them, and then upload them back.


Prerequisites: Philosophy, Practical Life, Sensorial, Art, Music & Movement, Language, Mathematics, Natural Science, Classroom Leadership*. Must be taken in conjunction with Practicum I. This class consists of the following classes: Montessori Observation (28 hours) and Parent Involvement (7 hours). Montessori Observation includes lecture for 8 hours and documented observation of 20 hours. This seminar focuses on methods of observation, forming questions, biases, awareness of cultural differences, connecting with children, recording and reflecting, determining needs, and the critical importance of the habit of observation in the Montessori classroom. The Parent Involvement seminar focuses on the art of working with parents, and refining communication, and the conference is presented. The focus of this class will be working to build a positive team with parents and teachers involved for the benefit of the child. The modes of instruction are discussion, lecture, and activities. *Classroom Leadership may be taken before or during Practicum Phase.

Practicum II

3 units, 35 hours Prerequisites: Philosophy, Practical Life, Sensorial, Art, Music & Movement, Language, Mathematics, Natural Science, Classroom Leadership*. Must be taken in conjunction with Practicum I. The class include yearlong work-study (full school year, 540 hours minimum), synthesis project (yearlong project), child study and other focus topics. Students will show their learning and understanding of all the Montessori classes through the development of a synthesis project, child study and daily reflective journal entries. *Classroom Leadership may be taken before or during Practicum Phase.


3 units, 35 hours This class will provide the Montessori philosophy and rationale for the Sensorial materials, giving a comprehensive view of the materials aiding the development and refinement of the senses. These will include (1) Sense of sight, discriminating dimension and form, color, or shape. (2) Auditory sense, including the silence game (3) Olfactory sense, (4) Baric sense, (5) Tactile sense, (6) Stereo gnostic sense.

Child Development 12

3 units, 35 hours This course is designed for students to study the growth and development of children from the prenatal stage through adolescence. For each stage of development attention to both typical as well as atypical development in each area is discussed. Included are the influences of culture, family, and the environment. The material in this course is designed as a foundation for teaching, nursing, early childhood education, and parenting.

Teacher: FMAE Admin

Child, Family, and Community-12

3 units, 35 hours Patterns of family living in modern society, including varying roles and interaction of family members; factors affecting family, including urban-suburban living, socio-cultural, racial, and economic; the relationship of the family to the preschool and to such community resources as represented by health, welfare, educational, recreational, religious, and counseling organizations. Students are required to observe children in a group setting.

Teacher: FMAE Admin

ECE Administration 12

3 units, 35 hours Students are introduced to the administration of preschool programs. The course covers program types, budget, management, regulations, laws, development, and implementation of policies and procedures. The course examines administrative tools, philosophies, and techniques needed to organize, open and operate an early care and education program. Students are required to observe licensed programs and interview administrators.

Teacher: FMAE Admin

Montessori Philosophy12

3 units, 35 hours This class will provide an in-depth look at Dr. Maria Montessori’s life and work including an overview of the Montessori Movement. Philosophy methods include the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, logical-mathematical mind, spiritual and moral development of the child, cosmic wonder, and explorations. Other topics will include preparation of the teacher, setting up an environment, observation, discipline vs. discipleship, and parent education.

Teacher: FMAE Admin


Please ignore all the quiz, assignment and album requirements in this course. 

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watched all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can by marked as DONE. 

If you would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

From AMS:

AMS Credential Holders:

If your AMS credential was issued on or after July 1, 2013, you must complete 50 hours of continuing professional development every 5 years for the credential to remain active. The first 5-year period begins with the date your credential was issued.

Once you have completed your 50 hours of PD, AMS requires that you log your hours on our Professional Development Submission Form.

If you do not complete the hours within the 5-year period, your credential will become inactive and—until you meet the requirement—your AMS credential will be suspended.

AMS Professional Development Requirements (amshq.org)

To complete your 50 hours of PD, 

please complete all 5 refresh courses below. Each course has 10 hours credit. You will automatically receive your PD certificate in your email.

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watch all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can be marked as DONE. 

If you don't have an AMS teacher credential yet, 

and would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

Natural Science and Social study-R

Please ignore all the quiz, assignment and album requirements in this course. 

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watched all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can by marked as DONE. 

If you would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

From AMS:

AMS Credential Holders:

If your AMS credential was issued on or after July 1, 2013, you must complete 50 hours of continuing professional development every 5 years for the credential to remain active. The first 5-year period begins with the date your credential was issued.

Once you have completed your 50 hours of PD, AMS requires that you log your hours on our Professional Development Submission Form.

If you do not complete the hours within the 5-year period, your credential will become inactive and—until you meet the requirement—your AMS credential will be suspended.

AMS Professional Development Requirements (amshq.org)

To complete your 50 hours of PD, 

please complete all 5 refresh courses below. Each course has 10 hours credit. You will automatically receive your PD certificate in your email.

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watch all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can be marked as DONE. 

If you don't have an AMS teacher credential yet, 

and would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

Practical Life-R

Please ignore all the quiz, assignment and album requirements in this course. 

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watched all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can by marked as DONE. 

If you would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

From AMS:

AMS Credential Holders:

If your AMS credential was issued on or after July 1, 2013, you must complete 50 hours of continuing professional development every 5 years for the credential to remain active. The first 5-year period begins with the date your credential was issued.

Once you have completed your 50 hours of PD, AMS requires that you log your hours on our Professional Development Submission Form.

If you do not complete the hours within the 5-year period, your credential will become inactive and—until you meet the requirement—your AMS credential will be suspended.

AMS Professional Development Requirements (amshq.org)

To complete your 50 hours of PD, 

please complete all 5 refresh courses below. Each course has 10 hours credit. You will automatically receive your PD certificate in your email.

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watch all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can be marked as DONE. 

If you don't have an AMS teacher credential yet, 

and would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.


Please ignore all the quiz, assignment and album requirements in this course. 

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watched all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can by marked as DONE. 

If you would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

From AMS:

AMS Credential Holders:

If your AMS credential was issued on or after July 1, 2013, you must complete 50 hours of continuing professional development every 5 years for the credential to remain active. The first 5-year period begins with the date your credential was issued.

Once you have completed your 50 hours of PD, AMS requires that you log your hours on our Professional Development Submission Form.

If you do not complete the hours within the 5-year period, your credential will become inactive and—until you meet the requirement—your AMS credential will be suspended.

AMS Professional Development Requirements (amshq.org)

To complete your 50 hours of PD, 

please complete all 5 refresh courses below. Each course has 10 hours credit. You will automatically receive your PD certificate in your email.

You need to watch all the videos only. Please make sure you watch all the videos (the system will log your watching time automatically) so the assignments can be marked as DONE. 

If you don't have an AMS teacher credential yet, 

and would like to complete all the assignments, quiz, and join the final in person class, and receive your AMS certified certificate, you can click this link, https://portal.fmae.org/course/index.php?categoryid=1

and complete them one by one. Once you complete all courses, you will receive AMS Montessori Early Childhood Teacher credential.

Infant / Toddler Development

4 units, 45 hours This course is a study of infants and toddlers from pre-conception to age three including physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional growth and development. Students apply theoretical frameworks in to interpret and understand behavior and interactions between heredity and environment. This course emphasize the role of the family and relationships in development. Students are required to observe children in a group setting.

Teacher: FMAE Admin