Child Development 12
3 units, 35 hours
This course is designed for students to study the growth and development of children from the
prenatal stage through adolescence. For each stage of development attention to both
typical as well as atypical development in each area is discussed. Included are the influences
of culture, family, and the environment. The material in this course is designed as a
foundation for teaching, nursing, early childhood education, and parenting.
Child, Family, and Community-12
3 units, 35 hours
Patterns of family living in modern society, including varying roles and interaction of family
members; factors affecting family, including urban-suburban living, socio-cultural, racial, and
economic; the relationship of the family to the preschool and to such community resources as
represented by health, welfare, educational, recreational, religious, and counseling
organizations. Students are required to observe children in a group setting.
ECE Administration 12
Montessori Philosophy12
3 units, 35 hours
This class will provide an in-depth look at Dr. Maria Montessori’s life and work including an
overview of the Montessori Movement. Philosophy methods include the absorbent mind,
sensitive periods, logical-mathematical mind, spiritual and moral development of the child,
cosmic wonder, and explorations. Other topics will include preparation of the teacher, setting
up an environment, observation, discipline vs. discipleship, and parent education.